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Audio: ♪ Guys like Matt they had it made, those were the days ♪
Ah, nostalgia. Many of us look back to the simpler times of life, longing for such ease in our own modern world. Perhaps we think of the lack of technology and the blissful ignorance that came with the lack of 24/7 communication. Or maybe we think of a world where guns were far too primitive to be the danger that they are today. Or when TEA parties actually meant Earl Grey and Chamomile, not baseless cries of "socialist" and "terrorist."
Though if you're Liberty University Dean Matt Barber, the drool-inducing vision is a little different. Namely, it's a world where lesbian prom-goers are apparently not party of the "we the people" collective, and where gay people in general are drummed and fifed out of the armed forces:
*SOURCE: There Will be Nothing "Gay" About a Mississippi High School Prom [Liberty Counsel]
Dear time machine mechanics: Please hide your blueprints from this man!
Your thoughts
It's "the LOVE that dare not speak it's name", Matt 'Jackass' Barber. Idiots like Barber show not only their ignorance of history when when they misquote it, but also their complete disdain for it.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Mar 17, 2010 11:45:46 AM
I'm a huge fan of watching the Rightwingers deify the Founding Fathers. Just like God, it's impossible to know what the Founders would think of modern-day issues, so it's really easy to convince gullible people that Washington / Jefferson / etc agree with you.
So, while we're on the topic of the Founders, and remember, Matt - you brought it up... Do you agree with slavery? Growing hemp? Not allowing women to vote?
Oh you say you don't agree with those parts of the nation's founding? Sounds like you're cherry-picking parts of what the Founders liked and wilfully ignoring things they didn't like. Kinda like what people do with religious texts...
Posted by: DN | Mar 17, 2010 12:17:39 PM
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