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Concerned Women For ... Nutritional Supplements?!
Okay, so we're about to show you a couple of things, and we're not exactly sure what it is that we're showing you. But here are three things that we do know.
(1) There's a company called Vemma, which involves the marketing and selling of "health and wellness" drinks:
(2) The company, as well as the multi-level marketing plan attached to it, is nothing if not controversial. The internet is filled with sites questioning the legitimacy of the plans, with the words "pyramid scheme" even tossed around by some. Detractors are direct, but so are supporters:
Report: Vemma Corporation
Is VemmaBuilder a Scam? (see the comments on this one)
Whether or not it is scammy or a legitimate money-making opp. is not really for us to say. But there certainly seems to be discussion to be had there.
(3) The extremely anti-gay (and that's an understatement) Concerned Women For America have gotten in bed with the plan:
We knew they sold homo-hostile snake oil. But Vemma?
So what does this all mean? Well again: We really don't know. This is a very bizarre thread that we have pulled, and there's more to learn here. But we do have some questions:
- Is this Vemma company directly partnering with the anti-gay CWA, therefore rightfully directing our focus/ire towards them?
- Is CWA hard up for cash, and therefore getting its members in a new kind of money-making scheme in order to raise funds?
- Will drinking Vemma lead one to say that marriage equality for same-sex couples constitutes "a sham that will devalue all marriages," and that gay couples "live together to form a household in defiance of the prevailing moral codes to render meaningless an institution that has been the bulwark of the family and society throughout history"? After all, Concerned Woman Janice Crouse said this and more just last week.
We're concerned humans. Time for some answers.
**UPDATE, 3/19: CWA's fundraiser: Now with much better access to spine alignments [G-A-Y]
Your thoughts
Wingnuts being involved with whacky pyramid schemes (or even ponzi schemes) is nothing new. The Mormons are well-known for their association with Amway/Quixtar, and the reports of Mormons being involved in multi-million dollar ponzi schemes keep coming. The RRRW preaches "morality" but as most of you know their version of morality is all about what people do with their genitals and has nothing to do with honesty, integrity or treating other human beings decently.
Posted by: Buffy | Mar 14, 2010 11:25:57 PM
Did Bernie Madoff empty LaHaye's coffers too??
Does she really drink that crap??
And, why can't she make the claim that the spawn DO actually like it, rather than speculate as to it's palatability??
Is this the same swill that Pat Robertson was hocking??
I was waiting to see her take a swig of it... is that footage on the cutting room floor?? Maybe it doesn't taste as good as she claims?? Maybe she couldn't keep a straight face after tasting it?? Maybe her gag reflex is back??
So many questions indeed!!
Posted by: Dick Mills | Mar 15, 2010 4:13:51 AM
I do think that LaHaye did step over the line in her attempt to sell this miracle tonic. When she says that the fruit juice improves immune response, she makes a claim that she can't backup. It's okay to say that the elixir contains "immune boosting vitamins", or some stupid nonsense like that, but you can't actually say that it boosts the immune system unless you can prove it. If these guys could prove it, they would. The FTC and FDA might have something to say to Mx. LaHaye when her bootay gets hauled into court... and that non-existent "proof" fails to materialize.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Mar 15, 2010 5:25:02 PM
If you ask me, Vemma is that sort of MLM whose earnings are contingent upon downline recruitment more so than sale of bona fide products or services, the latter likely to be excused as "merely a formality," as if letting slip the fact that they actually have no product or service to sell.
Otherwise known as a Ponzi scheme (after Charles F. Ponzi, who perfected the scam with a Boston "investment house" in 1919 as offered to double investors' monies held for 90 days).
Posted by: IludiumPhosdex | Mar 19, 2010 3:10:41 PM
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