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Ooh fun, a coloring book. Thanks, FRC.

by Jeremy Hooper

Tonight in Memphis, TN, the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins and Stand For Marriage D.C.'s Harry "Armageddon" Jackson will be speaking at something called:

Screen Shot 2010-03-28 At 9.42.57 Pm
[Stand For The Family flyer (pdf)]

Which seems annoying. Though if one looks between the lines the way that we have, one might just find possibilities:


Ya know, Jean's so lucky to have Mary, especially now that she's pregnant with their third! Everyone knows how difficult this latest pregnancy has been. And Caleb and Kristin are total handfuls. So yea, it's a good thing that this Tennessee family can all stand together in order to get through it. Even if some of their neighbors have self-appointed themselves to be the world's moral authorities, spending their days and nights attacking any family whose politics, "lifestyles," or genitalia doesn't stand lockstep with one certain image of what a "traditional family" should be.

Yo, Tennessee: Stand for something that incorporates the entire spectrum of normalcy. Anything else, and you'll be falling for far-right lies.

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