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Swift Boat Veteran for Gay Truth
“We’re overdue to wipe away the last stain of legal discrimination in our Armed Services,” said Senator Kerry. “Gays and lesbians should not have to hide who they are to be able to serve their country. President Obama, Admiral Mullen, Secretary Gates, former Secretary Powell, and – most importantly – our troops are speaking out, and it’s past time we listened.” KERRY: IT’S PAST TIME WE LISTENED TO OUR TROOPS AND REPEALED ‘DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL’ [Facebook]
Kerry '04! Kerry '04! Kerry '04!
Wait, what's that? It's actually 2010 and we're still debating this tired Don't Ask Don't Tell thing? Oh.
*Maybe not the last stain, as long as trans soldiers are banned. But when it comes to this statement, we're willing to not make the perfect the enemy of the good (while still realizing that we will not be perfect until unfair discrimination in general is the enemy of us all).
Your thoughts
And don't forget women are legally banned from serving in combat, which is discrimination.
Good for Kerry though.
Posted by: anna | Mar 9, 2010 6:16:48 PM
20 Years Too Late.
Posted by: Mykelb | Mar 9, 2010 7:22:07 PM
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