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VA: We give AG's idea an F; Sadly, adding an 'F' to -AG is exactly what his idea emboldens
Because turning nondiscrimination into a controversy is still an all-too-common GOP interest:
RICHMOND -- Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II has asked the state's public colleges and universities to rescind policies that ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, arguing in a letter sent to each school Thursday that their boards of visitors have no legal authority to adopt such statements.
In the letter, Cuccinelli (R) wrote that only the General Assembly can extend legal protections to gay state employees -- a move the legislature has repeatedly declined to take, including as recently as this week.
Cuccinelli asks colleges to rescind policies protecting gay state employees [Wash Post]
Such priorities.
No word as to what AG Cucinelli will gun for next. Though we do hear there are some grade school kids who don't yet know the rules to "smear the queer," so there are some similar options available to him.
**ALSO: Check out Chris Geidner's report, with comments from local school officials: Virginia Moves Against Gay Employees of Universities [Metro Weekly]
Your thoughts
Militant anti-gay activist Cuccinelli should be ashamed of himself. In America, we should never prevent fellow law-abiding, taxpaying Americans from working and supporting their families due to the way they were born. Unrepentant homophobe Cuccinelli may be the AG, but he should not have the right to use his position or the state government to impose his "religious beliefs" on everyone else. It's religious tyranny. Moreover, what kind of Christian believes it's moral to take jobs away from other people, assuming he claims to be a Christian?
Posted by: Michael | Mar 5, 2010 7:13:55 PM
Having attended and instructed at John Carroll University in the '80s and knowing even back then that diversity was more or less accepted at this Jesuit school, these christian bigots have no idea who they're trying to bully.
Of course, anything to do with higher education and its atmosphere is clearly foreign to them.
Posted by: Dale | Mar 5, 2010 8:18:41 PM
Elections have consequences... This particular "consequence" may not turn out to be exactly what the republican wants (or it may even surpass his wildest dreams), but the fact of the matter is that if there is any reason why we shouldn't trust a politician, then the prudent option may be to never vote for that politician.
I didn't follow Cuccinelli's campaign, or his political career for that matter, so it may be that he has shown every indication that he would be rabidly anti-gay. But I would be willing to bet that he never attempted to assuage the doubts that those in the LGBT community might have had.
And, while there certainly are enough politicians in the democratic party who have been opponents of LGBTs, it certainly appears that the best bet from a republican is that they will not be our friend. I, personally, will not vote for any candidate who doesn't come out in force as a supporter of LGBTs. But if the candidates from both parties don't, the more prudent (in my opinion) option is usually not the republican.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Mar 5, 2010 11:35:55 PM
I had a strong feeling Cucinelli would do something like this which is why I voted against him. Guess I'll have to do the same when he makes his inevitable run for Governor in 4 years.
Posted by: John | Mar 6, 2010 5:59:30 PM
Btw Jeremy, I'm about halfway through Martha Nussbaum's book "From Disgust To Humanity: Sexual Orientation & Constitutional Law". Her name sounds vaguely familiar but I confess to know almost nothing about her. However, so far from a layman's perspective the book is excellent and makes reasonable arguments on sexual orientation and liberty protected by the Constitution. Well, at least with regards to sodomy laws and legalized discrimination like Colorado's Amendment 2. She has touched on same-sex marriage but I haven't gotten to the part of the book where she lays out her whole argument. I'm looking forward to it. Anyways, you might want to get a copy of this if you haven't already.
Posted by: John | Mar 8, 2010 7:57:28 AM
Thanks for the recc, John. I'm so far behind on my offline reading -- have to catch up!
Posted by: G-A-Y | Mar 8, 2010 9:43:28 AM
I just finished the book. She did a superb job on SSM.
Get a copy. I highly recommend it. :-)
Posted by: John | Mar 8, 2010 4:58:30 PM
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