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Video: A 'Christian reformation' vs. a civil non-controversy
Harry "we're gonna unleash a bloodletting against gays" Jackson can smile as widely as he wants. It doesn't make his myopic focus on rolling back our equality (which he calls "Armagedoddon") any more agreeable:
Wonder if he'll still get us wedding gifts? We gays are collectively registered at both Mind Your Own Business and We Don't Remember Asking How You Feel About Our Morality.
**A much better look at today, courtesy of DC's Fox 5:
Your thoughts
"If you re-define marriage you endanger our families"?! WTF?!?!?! What does that even *mean*?!?!?
Posted by: Wade MacMorrighan | Mar 3, 2010 2:41:04 PM
Hmmm...I wonder if Christians will get out of politics, anytime soon? They are not just a threat to us, but really a threat to ALL non-Christians!
Posted by: Wade MacMorrighan | Mar 3, 2010 2:45:05 PM
The christofascists in America will have to get over the fact that we do live in a representative constitutional democracy and not a christian theocracy. However, their religious fascism will not go away until the papists on the Supreme Court die or retire, unfortunately.
Posted by: Mykelb | Mar 3, 2010 3:35:12 PM
Harry is just spitting out NOM talking points. Obviously they are in cahoots.
Posted by: Mykelb | Mar 3, 2010 3:40:37 PM
Apparently, the Christians don't understand civil law very well.
Posted by: Mykelb | Mar 3, 2010 3:59:00 PM
Wow, I found a scripture refrence that NOM REALLY doesn't like. It's in Ruth, this is what it says....
But Ruth replied, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. Thus may the LORD do to me, and worse, if anything but death parts you and me."
I don't think they like that it was said from one female to another. I've just been blocked from their facebook for pointing it out, so now I can't even comment to defend myself. (They deleted the post as well)
Posted by: Jen | Mar 5, 2010 8:13:20 AM
Jen: The funny thing about that? NOM has an affiliate organization called The Ruth Group.
Posted by: G-A-Y | Mar 5, 2010 8:19:32 AM
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