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Video: Maggie can't keep hair outta her face, nose outta our lives
On Friday we told you about a sparsely attended West Virginia rally designed for the sole purpose of hurting gay families behind the guises of morality and decency, and justified by flawed views on the way American government operates. Here now, video:
(H/t: Towle)
We already addressed the truly f***ed up presentation of our lives and loves (as constituting "death," "lies," "chaos," "plague," and "destruction"), as well as the wholly un-American idea that minority rights should be rolled back via direct vote. So no reason wasting breath on those again. Not today.
Let's instead talk about the ridiculous way these folks are now packaging these rallies under the "Let Us Vote" (LUV) moniker. They're doing that in Iowa and now they're doing it in WV, and it's just more of the same deceptive code-wording that has come to define the anti-gay movement. Because come on -- they're not out there on a wintery day because they simply want the "right" to vote. The "right" they seek is to vote AGAINST GAY PEOPLE! They could at least have the fortitude to admit as much!
L-U-V? Anything but! Our suggested new name: Let Us Vote To Omit Homosexuals Using Religious Tenets, Going Against Yielding Serenity (LUV TO HURT GAYS).
Your thoughts
Hey, anyone know if any racists from the South and so-called "Good Christians" and religious leaders were clamoring to have a public on a subject [segregation and interracial marriage] that has nothing to do with someone else's private lives, other than obvious religious animus?
Posted by: Wade MacMorrighan | Mar 1, 2010 11:56:42 AM
Instead of "Omit", I would substitute "Obliterate", but then I tend to think of them as being much more extreme (over the top, vicious, pernicious, hellbent, jihadist) than most.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Mar 1, 2010 3:22:11 PM
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