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Video: Move over, Rupert Murdoch
Janet Porter Prays For Control Over The Media [RWW]
*Complete Janet Folger/Porter archive
Your thoughts
That Janet! Her paranoia and constant appeals for money so she can send letters to Congress always make me chuckle.
Posted by: Stojef | Mar 10, 2010 12:44:46 PM
Posted by: SebastianSFGN | Mar 10, 2010 1:36:45 PM
Oh my -- what a hunchbacked bi-atch!
If your god hasn't answered your prayers all these years and given you xtians control over the whole world, then either he's weak and impotent - - or (much more likely), he's simply a symptom of a cancerous growth in your skull exerting pressure on your cerebellum!
Posted by: Rhino1515 | Mar 10, 2010 6:05:30 PM
She seems to think that the "media" controls what people think, or believe, or how we behave. She also seems incognizant of the fact that the religiots control a significant portion of the airwaves now, and the reason that ends up being insignificant, is because no one watches their shit. Faux news has what?? maybe two million viewers?? All of those religious channels and religious programming just seems to garner enough viewership (comprised of easily bilk-able old farts) to keep those religious celebrities in the lavish style to which they have become accustomed.
If, by some strange quirk of fate (or divine intervention), the religiots gain control of the "media", the very next day everyone will simply stop watching. "Controlling" the media is something of a misnomer - as the media is much more representative of (or shaped by) the populace that it ever has been a force for causing societal change. In countries where the media has been heavily controlled, what we find is that the public locates and depends on other sources for information and entertainment.
So, not only is her prayer futile in that it simply bounces off the walls and then evaporates, but the whole premise is flawed at it's core.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Mar 10, 2010 8:30:43 PM
One does have to hand it to her, though, for nothing more than that she seems to be pretty quick on her feet. She appears to lose (completely) her train of thought, and then starts this time killing prayer for god to instruct her on what she should be saying, and then pulls this gem out of her ass. Makes it sound as if some puppeteer might actually have his hand up her ass controlling her every move... The charlatans are quite clever in their stage presence, and command of the art.
Posted by: Dick Mills | Mar 10, 2010 9:35:00 PM
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