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Video: NOM 'peas' on CA's leg, tells them it's raining

by Jeremy Hooper

The Washington D.C.- and Princeton, NJ-based National Organization For Marriage wants to tell Californians how to vote in the Republican primary/general election:

Weird, we always thought peas were a good thing. When exactly did we start placing a premium on the kind of empty calories that NOM serves up?

Don't fall for this, CA. Peas (and peace) grow in organic California grass, not in dubious astroturf.


**Karen Ocamb has more on Campbell: CA GOP Senate candidate Tom Campbell – pro-marriage equality, opposes Prop 8 court challenge [LGBT POV]

**SEE ALSO: NOM is also targeting D.C. with anti-equality robocalls: DC Residents Alarmed by Robo-Calls: Anti-gay marriage group, NOM, targets District voters at home [Metro Weekly]

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Your thoughts

I just saw this ad on MSNBC... Are they stupid?!?! It just seems like a huge waste of money to be publishing this message on MSNBC... just like it would be an equally big waste to run it on FAUX "News". Astroturfing must result is some very deep pockets, even if it doesn't attract operatives who understand political realities.

Posted by: Dick Mills | Mar 15, 2010 11:13:44 PM

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