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0 out of a gajillion credible scientists agree: Under ENDA there will be 547 sexual orientations

by Jeremy Hooper

You thought it was bad when the Traditional Values Coalition listed 30 paraphilias that would supposedly be classified as "sexual orientations" under the Employment NonDiscrimination Act (even though credible science has already nipped that absurdity in the bud)? Yea, well, check out the following. This comes from propaganda that Janet Porter, Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, and other far-right social conservatives are using to convince followers to send anti-ENDA letters to Congress:


Just like the Hate Crimes Bill, this ENDA bill broadly defines the phrase "sexual orientation" to include "gender," and "gender identity" as federally-protected classes under the law, and without specific definitions of those words it will codify federal protection of up to 547 types of sexually deviant behaviors, including:

* Incest – sex with one’s offspring (a crime, of course)
* Necrophilia – sexual relations with a corpse, also a crime
* Pedophilia – sex with an underage child, another crime
* Zoophilia – bestiality, a crime in numerous states
* Voyeurism – a criminal offense in most states
* Fronteurism – a man rubbing against an unknown woman’s buttocks
* Coprophilia – sexual arousal from feces
* Urophilia – sexual arousal from urine

*Source: Ridiculous (yet eye-opening) effort to kill ENDA through a militant campaign of outright lies

Medical science, Schmedical science. They have a bill to kill. So why the crucifix should they care what is, undeniably, considered to be a sexual orientation or gender identity/expression in this world? After all, 90% of their supporters are just going to accept what they say anyway.

Oh, but that's not even all. This exact same effort also includes this graphic, meant to send the message that LGBT people are some sort of alien life form who will lead to the acceptance of all other extraterrestrials:

Screen Shot 2010-04-09 At 1.26.01 Pm-1

Yes, friends: This is America's "religious right" at work.

We just hope the aliens who are monitoring our planet will judge our planet's sense of morality not by how vocal we Earthlings are in self-appointing ourselves to Team Righteous, but rather how righteously fed up some of us are with these same folks' obvious and odious addiction to trafficking in outright fallacy.

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