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5/2/10: President's Sunday brunch to come with side of gay grit

by Jeremy Hooper

Forget cherry blossoms. A coalition of LGBTQ groups wants the long overdue bloom of planted DADT repeal seeds to be what guides you to the District this spring:

Protest at The White House to Demand Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Washington DC – On May 2nd, at noon a crowd of impassioned protesters will gather outside The White House to let President Obama know that they demand immediate repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) policy that does not allow lesbians and gays to serve openly in the United States military.

Last October President Obama said at the Human Rights Campaign dinner, “It’s so important that you continue to speak out, that you continue to set an example, that you continue to pressure leaders — including me — and to make the case all across America.” In January of this year in the State of the Union Speech, President Obama said he would work with Congress to repeal DADT. Since January The White House has not mentioned DADT and when asked for a commitment for repeal this year has wavered.

The next 30 days are critical for the repeal of DADT this year and here is why:

Right now the President has the ability to transmit to the Senate Armed Services Committee his recommendations (Transmittals) for repeal of DADT to be included in the Defense Authorization Bill. President Obama has the power to push for repeal – yet he is doing nothing. The President is not keeping his promise to the LGBTQ community.

President Obama has been AWOL on this issue. It is time, the LGBTQ community and allied communities step up and put pressure on the President and members of Congress who have the power to follow through with the pledge for repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell this year. Since 1993, over 13,500 women and men including highly trained “mission critical” soldiers have been discharged. We call on Obama to put some action in these words and include repeal of DADT in the Defense Authorization Bill. Visit www.DADTRepeal.org or email [email protected] for more information.

About Get Equal:
Get Equal is a national coalition of concerned , activists whose mission is simple: to create a movement of everyday people—lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and straight—who are dedicated to bringing about full legal and social equality.

About TalkAboutEquality.org:
TalkAboutEquality.org is a group dedicated to the thought that through discussion, action and education, LGBTQ Americans will one day experience full Equality under Federal Law.

About Queer Rising:
Queer Rising is a grassroots organization that engages in direct action to demand queer rights.

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