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A glass house vs. a White House

by Jeremy Hooper

MaggieMaggie Gallagher is someone who, through her prominent and self-determined work to stop America's gay couples from equal rights, stubbornly insists on misrepresenting certain situations (i.e. the Ocean Grove, NJ, tax matter) so that it makes her anti-equality fight seem more palatable.

Maggie Gallagher is someone who often refuses to process what her opposition actually says about church/state separation, children not being an acceptable basis for denying marriage equality, gays' desire to stifle churches, or any number of matters involving CIVIL marriage in this nation, instead framing discriminatory campaigns around her Catholic faith and her personal belief in there being only one kind of acceptable family.

Maggie Gallagher's NOM put out one of the the most tragicomic political ads to ever hit this country when they released their roundly mocked "Gathering Storm."

Maggie Gallagher is frequently patronizing in her rhetoric, positioning the brunt body blows that come with her work as being "loving" and "christian" and "moral" and "God's truth."

Maggie Gallagher is frequently condescending in her talking points, referring to our unions as "this gay marriage thing" or reducing our desire to that of "two dudes" who want to get hitched.

Maggie Gallagher should really look inward before casting stones:

President Obama is a man whom Americans see as easy-going, likable, honest and straightforward, polls show.

But he is leading his party and our country into a tragicomic fall by his stubborn refusal to acknowledge, process or credit the point of view of those who disagree with him. Obama is patronizing and condescending in a way that only Harvard can explain or tolerate. (And I say that as a Yalie myself!)

OBAMA: HE KNEW HE WAS RIGHT [UExpress via Yahoo!]

Honestly, there is no one person in politics whose work embodies Maggie's claims much more than Maggie's own anti-equality actions! Harvard, Yale, Podunk College? Whatever. It doesn't take a doctorate to see that Maggie's own anti-marriage workshop demands that applicants obtain an advanced degree in both intellectual stubbornness and condescending morality mappage.

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