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Audio: 'Concerned' about 'Facts' (but not in the good, factual way)
This site has pointed it out. Alvin McEwen has done so as well. The ACLU made note (before any of us). Timothy Kincaid posted a thoughtful investigation. Even conservative Christian professor Warren Throckmorton has come out against the work. And a whole slew of other bloggers have picked up on it all.
Yet despite so many people taking stock of the fact that the so-called American College For Pediatricians is not a credible body of science, but rather a politically-motivated fringe group created for the primary purpose of spreading misinformation about LGBT people, the far-right is continuing to present this ACOP (AROBBBER?) crew as a simple counterpoint to what they call a "liberal agenda" but that fair-minded people call actual science. Concerned Women For America is the latest to play-act legitimacy in regards to this tiny splinter group's new "Facts About Youth" effort:
*SOURCE: Pediatricians Urge Schools to Reconsider "Gay Affirmation" [CWA]