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Audio: 'I believe there is a direct connection [to pedophilia]'
What does the opposition to the Employment NonDiscrimination Act sound like when talking amongst themselves? Well listen to this little nugget that Virginia's Bishop E.W. Jackson shared with Christian radio host Janet Porter on yesterday's ENDA-specific show:
(click to play)
*Source: Faith 2 Action 4/6/10
Homosexuality=pedophilia? Well that's weird, since I've heard LGBT person after LGBT person speak out against the Catholic church scandal, while continuing to hear waaaaaaay too many followers of the Pope point a finger, turn a blind eye, or both.
But you keep talking, Bishop Jackson. Putting LGBT lives and loves on a buffet surrounded by any "perversion" you can cook up may feed your most ardent followers, but the vast majority of the public is getting damn sick of being spoon fed such empty calories.