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Audio: 'We don't wanna foot the bill' say they who put bootprints on our tax-paying asses

by Jeremy Hooper

Of all the anti-marriage arguments that the far-right hauls out, the idea that equality will foist an unfair tax burden upon "the people" might just be the most offensive. Listen to this latest Focus on the Family report (with special cameo from the thoroughly obsessed Maggie Gallagher):

(click to play)
*SOURCE: Gay Activists Challenge Federal DOMA [FOF]

Are we LGBT folk not tax payers? Have our tax dollars not supported a bajillion things (marriages, the military, faith-based 201004201123-1programs, religious tax exemptions) that decidedly discriminate against/completely exclude us? Should taxation and representation not be linked?!

Of course inclusion is the way and the spirit of this nation. As once was bravery and the desire to rise up and realize our collective strength. But this nation's modern, "pro-family" social conservatives have made a living out of fear, instead, telling any and everyone who will listen that the big, bad, scary gays are coming for their children, freedom, and now taxes. And yet THEY are the ones most likely to appear at a modern day TEA Party?

It's anti-rational, anti-history. it's anti-right.

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