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If only there were a law requiring 'WorldNetDaily' to hire truthful fact checkers

by Jeremy Hooper

This ENDA-decrying headline has been running on WorldNetDaily all weekend:

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Right. Except, you know, for the fact that the Employment Nondiscrimination Act explicitly nips the quota claim in the bud:

(f) No Preferential Treatment or Quotas- Nothing in this Act shall be
construed or interpreted to require or permit--

(1) any covered entity to grant preferential treatment to any
individual or to any group because of the actual or perceived sexual
orientation or gender identity of such individual or group on account
of an imbalance which may exist with respect to the total number or
percentage of persons of any actual or perceived sexual orientation or
gender identity employed by any employer, referred or classified for
employment by any employment agency or labor organization, admitted to
membership or classified by any labor organization, or admitted to, or
employed in, any apprenticeship or other training program, in
comparison with the total number or percentage of persons of such
actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity in any
community, State, section, or other area, or in the available work
force in any community, State, section, or other area; or

(2) the adoption or implementation by a covered entity of a quota on
the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender
H.R. 2981 ENDA Text

But why should WorldNetDaily actually read/quote the bill when they can instead rile up their mob with "YOU'LL BE FORCED TO HIRE QUEERS!" scare tactics? This is socially conservative "news" that we're talking about: The goal is to "take back America," not take back responsible reportage.

EXCLUSIVE: Sarah Palin's "death panels" will force the hiring of at least ten socialist lesbians per city!

BREAKING: 1 in 3 General Motors cars now required to enjoy rear entry!

TOP STORY: DADT repeal will demand 1 out of every 3 men in the navy to have once danced with a dude to "In the Navy"

All the news that's fit to imprint an agenda.

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