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The first time we ever heard the term or concept of "teabagging" was back in 2003:
So while it's convenient for far-right, anti-gay extremists like Matt "one man violently cramming his penis into another man’s lower intestine and calling it ‘love’” Barber to get all steamed up and spout things like this...
"So, Fred Phelps aside, every time you hear some lefty like Anderson Cooper or Keith Olbermann despicably refer to Bible-believing Christians as “homophobes,” or who call grandma a “teabagger” (slang for a vile homosexual act), consider who the real haters are."
"The Face of Hate"
...he really needs to think more fully about gonads' dual-gendered transportability before he uses the low-hangers to shame Earl Grey and his husband Cam O'Mille.
That is ball all.