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Man bis gays a vow; both wheel and world keep spinning
Last Tuesday, this exchange aired on national TV:
00:00:02: SAJAK: All right, we want to hear the Brent Benedetti story now.
00:00:04: BENEDETTI: I'm recently married to a man who's been cracking me up for the last ten years. His name is John.
00:00:09: BENEDETTI: Uh, we have a dog named inspector dudley crumbs and a cat named kitty-pants.
00:00:14: SAJAK: Yeah? so do I. Fantastic
00:00:15: SAJAK: Our lives are almost parallel. strange.
00:00:17: BENEDETTI: I love interior design and home staging, and I love to hike and travel in my free time.
00:00:21: SAJAK: All right, good to have you here, Brent.
Wheel of Fortune transcript -- 4/13/2010 [Live Dash]
Okay, so Sajak sounds a little condescending in that macho straight man sort of way. Whatever. The true story here is that almost a full week has gone by, and this has received zero mention. There is no clip of it on YouTube. There is no conservative outlet raging about it in the news. There's no talk of the "bravery" of Sony Television to put this on the air. In fact, we had to dig to find the limited information that we did.
And it's not like the episode went unseen. "Wheel of Fortune" was the highest rated syndicated show last week, besting Oprah by over 4 million viewers. It's just that nobody on either side, up to this point, seems to have cared to either rage or celebrate. It just came and went -- some minds maybe opened, others had their beliefs in benign marriage equality further confirmed. Perhaps some were even annoyed -- but they weren't annoyed to the boycott-threatening levels we've come to know in the past, or else we would have seen an AFA Action Alert in our inbox by the time the complimentary R-S-T-L-N-E were doled out in the bonus round. A man gave a shout out to his husband on national TV, and the world collectively went, "uh huh, yea, whatever." That itself would seem to be some sort of a statement!