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NIH Director on far-right's 'Facts About Youth': 'Particularly troubling'

by Jeremy Hooper

Family Research Counsel, Focus on the Family, Liberty Counsel, Concerned Women For America, Richard Cohen, and a whole host of other "pro-family" groups have been lying for weeks about the fringe American College of Pediatricians group's role in the pantheon on factual science, as well as the veracity (or lack thereof) of supposed "facts about youth" on the subjects of homosexuality and gender identity. CollinsNow a very prominent doctor is essentially telling them all to cut it out NOW:

Statement from NIH Director Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., in Response to the American College of Pediatricians
Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D.


April 15, 2010

“It is disturbing for me to see special interest groups distort my scientific observations to make a point against homosexuality. The American College of Pediatricians pulled language out of context from a book I wrote in 2006 to support an ideology that can cause unnecessary anguish and encourage prejudice. The information they present is misleading and incorrect, and it is particularly troubling that they are distributing it in a way that will confuse school children and their parents.”

NIH Director, Francis Collins, denounces American College of Pediatricians [Throckmorton]

Smack. Down.

It should be noted that Collins, an evangelical Christian himself, has had to do this sort of thing before, repudiating the way that "ex-gay" groups were misusing his work for their own agendas. And he will have to continue to do so, just as long as the far-right continues to define fact as that which is borne out by their predetermined, faith-based script, and not what is found by the actual researchers who dedicate their entire lives to scientific discipline!

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