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TVC's 'Dirty Thirty': At least they're admitting their lies are covered in mud

by Jeremy Hooper

For years, we watched as the Traditional Values Coalition (an SPLC-designated "hate group") tried to lump a whole host of paraphilias into the realm of what the scientific community considers to exist under the umbrella of sexual orientation, so as to defeat inclusive hate crimes legislation. But as most of us know, they lost that fallacious fight. President Obama signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Act into law, protecting many and hurting no -- NOT ONE! -- evangelical Christian.

So what's TVC to do? Well, they turn their attention to the not-yet-passed Employment NonDiscrimination Act, natch. And now their laundry list of paraphilias (which include such non-orientation-link behaviors as sex with an amputees stump and a sexual interest in feces) comes with a handy new name:

In the next few weeks, President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and their homosexual and transgender allies will attempt to ram through the so-called Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA).

What you may not know is that ENDA normalizes and provides special federal protection for 30+ bizarre sexual orientations listed by the American Psychiatric Association – the so-called “Dirty 30.” These 30+ fetishes include behaviors that are felonies or misdemeanors in most states.

ENDA’s “Dirty 30” includes such bizarre criminal acts as incest, pedophilia, prostitution, beastiality
[sic], and cross-dressing. If we don’t act today, Obama and Pelosi will normalize these disorders by federal law on April 21!
ENDA Would Normalize The Dirty 30 [TVC]

And before you start wondering why it matters what this one group thinks, know that this is who the Christian Broadcasting Network recently put on the air as the voice of ENDA opposition. Their members also regularly make appearances alongside sitting members of Congress. In many circles, TVC is considered a respected public policy group.

And of course you'll never hear any of the other socially conservative groups publicly repudiate what is easily refuted by credible science. They just let this slide, acting as if ENDA will force Christian bookstore owners to hire people who are schtoop-the-cash-register-osexual.

It's appalling, both the constant misrepresentation and the godly blind eye.


*NOTE: Even some "pro-family" groups have admitted that the paraphilias stuff is a lie (without actually repudiating TVC's work). Thanks to equality activists' good work, both the Illinois Family Institute and Exodus International changed their tune.

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