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Video: Hacky, both in style and intent

by Jeremy Hooper

Many club comics have a rule: Once they perform a set on some kind of nationally televised program, they'll stop doing those jokes in their future live appearances. That's so they want seem stale.

But then again, Tony Perkins is a professional backer of discrimination against LGBT people (among others), not a jokeman. And since his "comedy" is already 40+ years old, why should he bother freshening up the jest-to-mask-unrest

4/9/10: Southern Republican Leadership Conference:

4/15/10: "The Awakening" conference at Liberty University:

Come on, T-Dog: If you're going to try to tickle our ribs so as to mask the truly hurtful blows that your organization's unwaveringly anti-gay punches deliver to the same, then at least keep it innovative. Ooh, I know: Why not make a joke about the thousands of LGB human beings who have had their careers destroyed because of this policy? Or maybe talk about how a supposedly fair and free nation allows certain tax-paying citizens to fight and possibly die for their country, but tells those same soldiers that to request the presence of a same-sex partner while they lay bloody might just get them discharged once they recover from their wounds? Or oh, perhaps you can talk about the weakened abilities in areas where we desperately need capable armed forces personnel (like linguists, for instance)? But then again, maybe you just want to use your lines about how gays are "being held captive by the enemy" or how the president is out to jeopardize this nation, or your colleague Peter Sprigg's comments about wanting to export/criminalize gays, and turn those into some kind of high-brow witticisms. So many options for you, T.P.

Or -- or, or, or, or, or: You could just stop declaring a war on gay people. It's a road you "pro-family" evangelicals could cross in order to get collective society to the other side, but one that you and your ilk are still to chicken to embrace. What a farce.


*Proof the Shel Silverstein was using this joke (though in a contextually different way) as early as 1965.

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