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What's next hour, CNN: Dr. Seuss singing virtues of emerald-hued pig butt?

by Jeremy Hooper

- A "cure" to homosexuality presented as an open-ended question.

- Unlicensed, highly controversial Richard "beat a pillow" Cohen presented as an "expert," with no challenge from either those within Cohen's own movement who reject his teachings, a person of science from the pro-equality side, or an LGBT spokesperson of any sort.

- Another attempt to present the American College of Pediatricians, a fringe splinter group of Christian conservatives, as a credible body of science. NARTH too.

-Another usage of Robert Spitzer's study in a way that goes against the researcher's own conclusions and wishes.

- Irresponsibility abounding:

CNN is struggling in the ratings. They make a habit of these kinds of unfortunate stunts, and even Andy Coop Coop's "360°" won't keep certain viewers from doing a 180°!


**SEE ALSO: Cohen's unbelievably eye-opening children's book.

**SEE ALSO: Rachel Maddow shows journalists how to interview Cohen

**SEE ALSO: Our complete Richard Cohen archive


***UPDATE, 4/7: Take Action Now: Hold CNN Accountable for Featuring So-Called “Ex-Gay” Activist Richard Cohen [GLAAD]

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