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When it comes to anti-gay evangelicals, W.T. keeps finding an 'F?!?'

by Jeremy Hooper

We've been loving Warren Throckmorton lately. He was early in speaking out against the frightening situation in Uganda and the sometimes poor response from Christians here at home. He's stood up against Peter Labarbera, who has obsessively (in 12 diff. blog posts, at last count) worked to get the professor fired or at least reprimanded from his job at Grove City College, simply because he holds differing views on homosexuality. He's rejected the far-right's version of "Facts About Youth." And now Warren is calling out the reliably untruthful (and "sick-qrs"-condemning) One News Now site, pointing out how the AFA's supposed "news" source distorts research on a subject with which Warren is intimately familiar:

Dog bites man. OneNewsNow distorts sexual orientation research.

In a great example of why I hope Janet Porter’s prayer to take over the media is never realized, OneNewsNow distorts the import of Elan Karten’s doctoral dissertation research reported recently in Journal of Men’s Studies.

Here is the OneNewsNow title:

‘Orientation’ change efforts effective.

Here is a statement from Karten and Wade (p. 86):

The purpose of the study was not to replicate findings from prior research or establish the efficacy of this treatment.

KEEP READING: OneNewsNow distorts Karten sexual orientation change study [Throckmorton]

Warren's the kind of "culture war" personality we need more of. He doesn't agree with us on a number of issues related to orientation, how we go about protecting LGBT people's rights, etc. However, he also doesn't agree with the way the gay community's opposition so fully and unscrupulously lies in the name of Jesus so as to make themselves look like the victims/victors/"moral" ones. And he's not afraid to speak out, even when it leads to unprincipled threats against his livelihood. We can respect that, even if/when we disagree.

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