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X will lead to Y, Candi? Zzzzzzzzzzz
Gays are incapable of any pure motivation. This seems to be the guiding belief for all who challenge pro-equality progress. We want marriage, they say we want destruction. We want employment protections, they say we want to silence Christians. We want inclusive media that includes LGBT realities, they say we want to "indoctrinate." We want pride parades, they say we want to divert traffic, making them late for their anti-pride protests. And so on, and so on.
It certainly seems to be the guiding belief of Focus on the Family's resident Non-inclusive Schools Czar, Candi Cushman, who says the following about the pro-equality movement's joy in passing SB3266, a bill designed to curb bullying in Illinois' public schools:
Groups like GLSEN, PFLAG and the ACLU have been industriously winding out press releases celebrating the victory. “If signed, Illinois will become the ninth state to enact an enumerated anti-bullying” law, proclaimed GLSEN.
Why are the advocacy groups so excited? As we have previously explained, the problem with these laws—enumerating special protections for homosexual categories–is that activist groups are using them as the leverage they need to get things like homosexuality teaching into public school classrooms.
Homosexual-themed School Bill Goes to Illinois Gov’s Desk [FOF DriveThru]
See what we mean? Never for a second will Candi consider the GLSEN, PFLAG, or the ACLU are excited because they are genuinely working for the greater good, which values inclusion for ALL citizens as a key goal. Instead, she positions this safe school measure as being the top of a slippery slope, one that she suggests will lead to moral sewage if more inclusive teachings are incorporated into public schooling. Never once have we heard personalities like Cushman admit that we are glad about something because we find it itself to be pleasant. There's always a larger "agenda" of which this or that is simply a piece.
The truth: Far-right personalities like Ms. Cushman need everything we on the pro-gay side do to be a "what next?" situation because it's the only way they can leverage our gains into possible wins for Team Heteronormative. If they put us in the aggressor seat and put their own movement in the victim chair, then they can rally their peeps to stand against the supposed "persecution." It may be far more bankable than reasonably looking at the public policy matters independently and letting the goals speak for themselves. But to those of who celebrate each individual good on its merits, the attempt to turn our efforts into a monolithic snowball that's putting a freeze on America's evangelical Christians is an intellectually bankrupt one.