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Another staid gallery entry from Le Conseil de Recherche de famille

by Jeremy Hooper

And now the nothing if not august Family Research Council with yet another thoroughly highbrow take on what basic fairness will do to the U.S. Armed Forces:

Screen Shot 2010-05-04 At 8.16.43 Am-1
*Img Src: FRC Washington Update

You get it, or do do we need to explain? Yea, we need to explain? Oh, okay: Well ya see, what the artist artiste is trying to say through his or her dexterous brush strokes is that if tax-paying gay, lesbian, and bisexual citizens are free to serve and possibly die for their country without fear of being "found out," then the might of the military will dissipate. The carefully constructed red lines suggest that this might will be hastily crossed out with a substance resembling spray paint, and then be thoughtlessly replaced. In its stead? An experiment. A social experiment wherein the queer rats will run amok through the lab, knocking over whatever beaker, test tube, or moral compass they might come across. An experiment that will be careless like red graffiti, with no hopes of ever reaching the staunch, bold, black font that gives the military its strength.

We know, FRC's work is all so subtle. Deep. Nuanced. You can't be expected to ever grasp the delicate piece with just a cursory glance. It's meant to be studied like one of the masterworks in the Met. The ones that are as priceless as human life, equality, and the fair, civil reconciliation thereof.

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