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Audio: Focus on the Family's script demands resistance to Elena, ENDA. Here's how they justify it
Focus on the Family's Jim "But I'm really a nicer, non-Dobson kind of leader eventhough my organization is just as hostile to gay CIVIL rights (on the basis of personal, chosen faith) as it ever was" Daly, Tom "openly gay SCOTUS nominees are 'non-starters'" Minnery, and Bruce "I congratulate Matt Barber for writing incredibly incendiary pieces in which he directly likens people like Rachel Maddow to Fred Phelps" Hausknecht are today joining forces with Chuck "I used intensely corrupt judgment during Watergate, but I'm not a gay or a progressive so I still have think I have a judgmental leg up on anyone who is" Colson to take on Elena "finding out what it's like to have one's impressive education and training painted as liabilities because of a falsely constructed 'real Americans' vs. 'elites' mindset" Kagan. That conversation then parlays itself into an attack against another undeserved target: Basic workplace protections for all Americans, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Listen in to all of the preconceived, prejudicial fun:
(click to play audio clip)
*SOURCE: *SOURCE: Supreme Court Nomination and ENDA [FOtF]
Eh, we have faith in both Elena and ENDA. But unlike FOtF, we won't use our personal faith as the sole justification for our support. We'll look at the facts. Facts that work to make the world more civil, in more ways than one.