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Audio: Oh look, it's the man Log Cabin Republicans told us to support, schmoozing with Tony P.

by Jeremy Hooper

When it comes to Don't Ask Don't Tell (among other issues), how far to the right has Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) gone? Well, sadly, far enough to cater to the remarkably eye-opening whims of Tony "gays are "being held captive by the enemy" Perkins:

(click to play audio clip)
*SOURCE: Washington Watch Weekly -- 5/21 [FRC]

Disgusting. Sen. McCain is willfully lending approval to outright lies, like at the 16:14 mark when Tony falsely claims that the military's policy is all about "behavior" and that "the same standard applies to heterosexuals," to which McCain lends a supportive "right." NO! NOT RIGHT! WRONG! What we are talking about here is the right to acknowledge a same-gender husband or wife in the same way that a straight solider currently does! The right to acknowledge a simple part of one's character without getting fired. The standard is *NOT* the same!

Maverick? Please. On this issue, that label only applies if truth, fairness, and the American way are the non-conforming topics on the table!


*Don't forget: Tony is the man who has implied that both President Obama and Elena Kagan are "willing to jeopardize our nation’s security to advance the agenda of the radical homosexual lobby." Comments that got him (rightly) disinvited from a speaking engagement at Andrews Air Force base.

*Don't forget 2: FRC is the organization whose Senior Fellow for Policy Studies, Peter Sprigg, has said that gays should be criminalized or "exported from the United States."


*And yet he still gets gay support: John McCain Again Turns to Homosexual Mark Buse to Lead Re-Election Campaign [Queerty]

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