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Audio: 'You can't raise a civilization with capons' [cue Maggie Gallagher laughter]
Ya know, you get Maggie Gallagher with a certain kind of talk show host and all kinds of nutty things comes to light. Wacky ideas that either receive Maggie's full support, or at the very least receive no Gallagher-initiated refutation.
The Host: Jan Mickelson from Iowa's WHO radio.
The Subject: Civil marriage equality, which came to Iowa on the back of a UNANIMOUS court ruling (from Republican court appointees)
Wacky idea #1: That the Supreme Court should simply be told to "go play in the highway":
Wacky idea #2: That progressives say marriage equality is inevitable because they see this argument as a "substitute for God":
Wacky idea #3: That same-sex marriage will not come to be, because "you can't raise a civilization with capons," something that Maggie jovially refers to as an "obvious truth":
So let's recap: Iowa should follow Sir William Blackstone's idea that all civil law stems from God and use that to overturn the independent judiciary's fair an thoughtful CIVIL ruling. But progressives won't go along with this because they, a monolith, have declared themselves and their own predictive commentariat to be Gods of liberalism. And even though gay couples live and love and will continue to do so independent of marriage equality, allowing legal recognition of these couples will somehow amount to the castration of all the world's citizens.
Funny, Maggie -- we never hear these kinds of thing in NOM press releases. Wonder why?
**FULL 15 minute interview: Gallagher/Mickelson/WHO Radio [MReform]