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Because without oiled, chiseled torsos, how would one know where he stands?

by Jeremy Hooper

To highlight yet another post on the topic towards which he has been obsessing for almost two decades now, Peter LaBarbera is today running this photograph on his conservative Christian, anti-gay site:

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But apparently boy nipples are most always right.

It's unclear why, exactly, Peter thinks that his staid "pro-family" audience needs to see what is nothing more than gratuitous eye candy from a day of unabashed revelry (like what you'll find in bare-breasted Mardi Gras pics) in order to understand that he has an (ahem) bone to (ahem) pick with gays (a him/him). Because seriously, here in image conscious America, he might have just caused countless straight-identified boys to ditch the gym and instead homo-phone a date request with its human homophone.


**By the way: While it's obvious that Peter is trying to make it seem as if these two Sydney, Australia pride revelers are nude, they are actually wearing bottoms. One can find the source photograph on this blog.

**SEE ALSO: TWO has some fun: Oh, Peter

**One more: In a follow-up post, Pete expresses shock --SHOCK! -- that a company calling itself Progressive Insurance would be with us on LGBT issues. You know, because apparently Forward-Thinking Pride Flags Inc. was too subtle of a target.

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