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'Disproven scientifically' -- except, you know, for the disproving and science parts

by Jeremy Hooper

This claim, which was inserted into the pages of The Washington Times by the Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg, is a flat-out, bald-faced lie:

According to the advocates of ENDA, homosexuality (the desire to have sex with others of the same sex) is something present in infants at birth (although this has been disproven scientifically [Source]

In-born factors have of course not been "disproven scientifically." In fact, credible science largely bends in that direction. But to the far-right, whose concept of science  Sprigg As You Images 200803031640-1-5begins with a predetermined script and then conducts its "research" in only a way that will fulfill the desired outcome, the credible scientific community's inability to 100% lock down one certain "cause" of sexual orientation (for all of us, btw, not just gays) is the exact same thing as "disproving" that bio-genetic factors are a root, in whole or even in part.

But then again, this ludicrous claim is coming from a man who flat-out said that he'd like to have gays "exported from the United States," and who told Chris Matthews that homosexual "behavior" should come with "criminal sanctions." Perhaps we should just be grateful that he's not trying to convince Washington Times readers that authorities have disproven the right of fully grown gays to live outside of a prison on a remote island in the Bermuda Triangle.

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