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Dying wishes

by Jeremy Hooper

When the movie We Are Soldiers came out earlier this century, the filmmakers made a big deal about this line/theme:

And that, social conservatives, is why your Don't Ask Don't Tell nonsense is so damn offensive. Because DADT repeal is not about "throwing anything in anyone's face". It's not about behavior. It's not about an agenda. It's about men and women who love someone of the same gender being just as free to casually acknowledge the people for whom they personally fight. It's about what is so celebrated about heterosexual soldiers being, at the very least, tolerated for LGB ones!

If I were in a dusty field, laying dying from war wounds, my cries would be to the man who makes my world: My legally wedded husband. No, I wouldn't be terminated for asking my fellow soldiers to tell my spouse that I love him, since my life processes themselves would be discharging me from the mortal coil. But neither should I be discharged if I were to make the same benign request in happier, more animated times!

I love a man. I love this nation. I love that the concept of peace not only allows for fair and free accommodation, but actually demands it. How dare you self-enlisted "culture war" troops be so hostile to your fellow Americans?!

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