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FRC is anti-DADT repeal. Oh, but pro-exportation and pro-criminalization

by Jeremy Hooper

Dear national news media: If today you should participate in the Family Research Council's anti-DADT conference call, or if at any time you should book FRC's Tony Perkins on one of your chat shows, then you have a responsibility to the American public to show what this organization is really all about. And nobody bears out this organizational scope better than FRC's Senior Fellow for Policy Studies, Peter Sprigg:

Exportation and criminalization: Yup, that's what's in the FRC's anti-homosexual agenda! Unabashedly. With a laugh, even.

If a senior policy fellow on our side said something similar about Christians, even once, then they would be raked over the coals until forced to resign. RIGHTLY SO, actually! Yet here we have a top staffer essentially saying that gays should be locked up on a remote island: And he and others from the organization still get booked as credible experts with a "pro-family" mission? And senators like John McCain still cater to their organizational whims?! GAG. ME.

Or on second thought, I better not say gag me. It might give Peter Sprigg a third idea about how to silence gay people. Ya know, should putting us on a boat marked "anywhere-but-America or bust" not work out for him.

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