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FRC's new poll supports military input & Congressional action -- ya know, just like DADT repeal itself
The Family Research Council -- a group that's on record calling for gay exportation, backing gay criminalization, and referring to gays as "being held captive by the enemy" -- is touting a new Zogby poll that says the following:
By nearly three to one (59% vs. 23%), a majority say that military leaders should make the decision on whether or not homosexuals should serve openly in the military. Just under one in four (23%) believe that the decision should be made by Congress and nearly one in five (18%) are not sure who should make the decision.
Zogby, 5/17/10 [FRC]
And of course FRC is using this to poll oppose repeal, even holding an afternoon news conference to introduce it. But here's the thing: This poll does not at all support their cause! Not even a little bit!
#1: Yes, the current path to DADT repeal of course requires Congress, just like DADT itself required Congress. But it also demands crucial input from the Pentagon, Commander in Chief, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Secretary of Defense, not to mention those military professionals who have already testified both in favor and against. So the very idea that this is happening in a way that's disconnected from the military is a complete and utter red herring.
#2: One of the biggest repeal supporters in Congress, Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-PA), is himself an Iraq war vet.
#3: Military policy is not determined by majority public opinion.
#4: The poll does not ask (or FRC doesn't reveal) what any of these people want to see as the outcome. That's probably because most all recent polling shows strong support for repeal.
In short: FRC's got nothing on this. Nothing! Usually they at least grasp at straws. But on DADT repeal, they don't even convincingly sweeten the Kool-Aid.