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Ironically, 'American Public Life' is what's now biting Rekers in the arse

by Jeremy Hooper

Tony Perkins might deny knowing the founder of his organization, George Rekers. But other prominent social conservatives could never do so. In fact, two of our community's biggest forces of opposition, NOM's Robert George and Maggie Gallagher, appeared alongside Rekers at a very prominent 1997 anti-gay conference that was held at Georgetown University:

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This conference was a very big deal at the time (sparking protest from, among others, current Obama administration appointee Chai Feldblum), and sparked books that the far-right still uses to this very day. And there Rekers was, the lead guest cited on the backing organization's own site.

Now, this doesn't mean that Maggie and Robert are "guilty" by association. It doesn't mean that they're best buds. We post this just to show that if you pull just about any anti-LGBT thread far enough, you find connections between most all of the players who work against us. Over the next few days, we're surely going to see many more people throw Dr. George under the bus, the way the Family Research Council is already working to do. When they do, we absolutely should ask (a) Why so many of them put Dr. Rekers in the driver's seat over the past decades, and (b) what these latest revelations mean in terms of the motivations that drive some folks to that LGBT-shunning seat.


*NOTE: We've tracked down audio tapes from the conference. If anyone has connections/proximity to Wake Forest University, please let us know!

*NOTE2: Maggie also cited Rekers in her 1989 book, Enemies of Eros.

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