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May or May Not: Far-right's spring brimstone roast fails to brew TEA

by Jeremy Hooper

Janet-porter-2010Janet Porter's "May Day 2010" event was supposed to be a big hoorah with thousands (if not tens of thousands) of evangelicals on site to pray for this evil, "liberal" nation's soul. Unfortunately for J-Po, nobody showed. This from Wayne Besen:

"The event was a bust. Less than 300 (not official count, but my own estimate) people turned out in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington today to hear a star-studded line-up of evangelists and right wing political leaders. Organizers claimed from the stage that the event cost $70,000, so they had clearly expected an impressive turnout. The big names included the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, Generals International’s Cindy Jacobs (yellow shirt), Porno Pete Labarbera, Bob Knight and Alan Keyes."
*Pictures: Right Wing May Day Event A Bust [TWO]

Nice weather. Other commitments. The fact that it's not 1981 and the religious far-right doesn't have the stranglehold on the right-leaning population that it once did. There will be many excuses for why Porter and Co. built it but they didn't come.

But the obvious reason: Even God was like "Jeez, it's 86 on a Saturday -- quick, someone give me an excuse to tell Janet!"


The always-intrepid RIght Wing Watch has video:

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