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NOMinal recompense: Largest 'Yes on 1' donor closer to opening books

by Jeremy Hooper

Where'd NOM get all that cash to roll back our civil equality in Maine? We may get some answers soon enough:

U.S. Magistrate Judge John Rich III said in a document dated Sunday that the National Organization for Marriage, which contributed $1.9 million to the campaign to repeal Maine's gay marriage law, should turn over fundraising documents dating back to Jan. 1, 2009, to the Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices.
Judge rules in Maine gay marriage case [AP via Press Herald]

It won't make up for last November's un-American, negligently tyrannical vote. But transparency could show us what's really going on in the Catholic-connected house, giving us crucial insight for future ballot fights.

We didn't start this war. But we must do whatever it takes to finish it.

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