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Quit throwing your bags in our gay faces, far-right!
Can social conservatives PLEASE stop fostering the idea that "tea-bagging" is a gay sex act?
"Discussing the unanimous opposition Republicans mounted to his now-failed stimulus plan, Obama mocked how "that helped to create the tea-baggers." Perhaps referring to your fellow countrymen by using vile terminology like "tea-bagging" – an outrageously offensive term that describes a homosexual sex act – is Mr. Obama's idea of "serious and civil debate?'" -Peter Heck [SOURCE]
Because almost every single person in modern American society first learned of this term not in a gay context, but rather in a Samantha context: (NSFW)
Ya see? The requirements for "tea-bagging are either (a) a Tetley box and hot water, or (b) a set of testicles and a mouth. In either case, two sets of XY chromosomes are not a prerequisite!
Now as for "chai-feldbluming"? That one's totally us!
Does anyone else think they should use the above as a topical ad spot from the Sex And the City sequel (in theaters May 27)?