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The relentless attacks NOM two-faces

by Jeremy Hooper

Ex. 1: The soldiers tried to invade us in our sleep. But we were ready for them, loaded guns and bayonets under our blankets, able to be drawn at a moment's notice. We beat them back and preserved our kingdom.

Thank you and may God bless you for your courage and decency in the relentless attacks we face.


Ex. 2: Our community center was firebombed under the cover of darkness. While we've achieved much as a society, we are still a vulnerable minority population.

Thank you and may God bless you for your courage and decency in the relentless attacks we face.


Ex. 3: Hey white blood cells, it's me, the brain. Good work getting rid of that nasty bug that came into our host. Sneezing, barfing, oozing out of every orifice -- what the hell was that?!?

Thank you and may God bless you for your courage and decency in the relentless attacks we face.


Ex. 4: Luke, Leia, Chewie: Good work!

Thank you and may God bless you for your courage and decency with the relentless AT-ATs we face.


Ex. 5: We did nothing more but to seek to live and love as full and equal tax-paying citizens, but they could not accept those terms. So they tried with every fiber in their being to strip us away of our fairly granted civil rights. But they lost.

Thank you and may God bless you for your courage and decency in the relentless attacks we face.


There are many different scenarios wherein it is appropriate for a leader of a group or movement to turn to the heavens (or science) and give thanks for success on the battlefield. There are other times when doing so is nothing more than a pusillanimous way of denying the hostility and aggression that one foments as the sole focus -- THE SOLE FOCUS! -- of one's adult career, so as to make one's organization and its supporters seem and sound like the "victims," even though they are the ones collectively casting a nonstop string of stones:


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