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The state of NY (by way of CT) happens to disagree

by Jeremy Hooper


You are not "marring-me," Peter LaBarbera. Now repeat after me: "Even members of your own movement tell me you're work is fringe and that you've morphed into a third rail in their eyes. Even members of your own movement tell me that you've crossed one too many lines and turned far too personal. Even members of your own movement tell me that your work has gone past the point of disagreement and into the realm of disagreeable. Even members of your own movement..."

Sent via my gloriously ringed hand.


*EARLIER: The time Pete, unsolicitedly, condemned my wedding: Because a toaster would've been too sane [G-A-Y]

*EARLIER: The time Martha Stewart blessed the same: As Goes Martha [G-A-Y]

*EARLIER: The marriage license no one will ever take away [G-A-Y]

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