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Truth: It's the gospel

by Jeremy Hooper

Going to a PETA board meeting with a platter of TurDucken.

Running for NRA president on an "even water guns should be destroyed" platform.

Using an iPad to show a resume to the Microsoft HR department.

Coming out as gay in a fundamentalist Christian industry:

Screen Shot 2010-05-15 At 11.11.34 Am-1Around Christmas 2004, in the midst of a family dinner, Mr. Boltz’s son Phil asked, “Daddy, what’s wrong with you?” This time, Mr. Boltz told the truth: “I’m gay.” His wife and his children, startled though they were by the revelation, told him they still loved and supported him. Such emotions were not exactly echoed by his fans, especially after Mr. Boltz publicly disclosed his homosexuality in a 2008 article in The Washington Blade, a gay newspaper.
Christian Singer Resumes Career, Relieved of a Secret [NYT]

Potential liabilities should never force folks to test their own abilities to lie. A lost fan can be replaced. A lost self is much more difficult.

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