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Video: Because in America 2010, desiring to strengthen our armed forces is a 'radical' stance

by Jeremy Hooper

This morning on "Today," conservative pundit Laura Ingraham rightly brought up the concept of separate but equal while discussing the issue of recruiting for an armed forces that explicitly bars openly gay soldiers on college campuses (particularly law schools) where nondiscrimination policies firmly stand against such disparity. Unfortunately (but unsurprisingly), she wrongly applied it:

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"Radical change" on issues like the thoroughly un-American, almost unfathomably discriminatory Don't Ask Don't Tell policy? Wow, thanks L-Ing -- you just boosted Kagan up a few more notches in our estimation!

But you all keep working those "real America" vs. "intellectual elite America" lines, killer. You who use this falsely constructed sense of populism as a political weapon (while carefully overlooking your own pedigrees and champagne-clinking) have worked so hard ripping this nation into halves that the two sides have just about met each other on the other side!


**SEE ALSO: A very good assessment of the recruiting matter, what Kagan actually wrote on the subject, and why it's about one billion times more benign/more mainstream than the social conservatives want it to be: DADT: Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan & the Solomon Amendment [Bilerico]

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