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Video: Bush fans fair-weather, except when it came to rain on gay wedding days
It doesn't surprise us that conservatives are annoyed with Laura Bush for coming out in favor of marriage equality. But it does annoy us when they couple their annoyance with certifiably alse logic. And when they say things like what CWA's Wendy Wright says in the following clip, it should annoy those modern Americans who aren't even personal involved in the marriage conversation:
So why are Wendy's comments particularly offensive and overreaching? Well, because she is essentially saying that if Laura Bush would have come out in favor of marriage equality back in say '04, it would have derailed her husband's presidency. So basically she's saying that support for that president from people like Wendy and groups like CWA hinged so much on whether or not the man would stop gay citizens from having equal protection under the law, that the entire future of the nation would have been changed by Laura Bush's simple stand for basic civil fairness. Not her stance on the wars. Not the economy. Not any of the other issues that came up during the Bush years. It was the gays who had to be dutifully kept in line by both husband and wife, lest those who prioritized things like finding justifications for wars, preserving diplomacy worldwide, and staving off deficits bring in some kind of "radicalism." Lest the historic game of anti-gay scapegoating conducted at the most bullying of pulpits not find its way in the legacy.
But the worst part about it? Wendy's probably not wrong in her assessment. Just her soul-numbing concerns.