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Video: It's official: NOM's bombing North Star State equality
Based on our monitoring of their increased activities in the state, we told you that the National Organization For Marriage is coming for Minnesota:
NOM's bombarding Minnesota -- have we learned enough to care? [G-A-Y]
Today, they bear us out with this new $200,000 ad campaign:
THE. TIME. TO. CARE. IS. NOW! We have been outpaced in more than a couple of states. Let's be ahead this time, whatdya say?
-Salvatore Cordileone, the man many credit as the "father of Prop 8," came to Minnesota to lay groundwork: Cord that's already shocked us now stretching to MN [G-A-Y]
-The nine unbelievably fallacious talking points that the Minnesota Family Council is using to dupe their neighbors: 9 reasons for teaching children not to lie [G-A-Y]
-A speaking engagement that the aforementioned Cordileone made alongside NOM's Maggie Gallagher: The rosary vs. the ring finger: St. Paul, Minnesota edition [G-A-Y]
**THE PATH FORWARD: There is no direct I/R procedure in Minnesota, so the only way to get a marriage amendment on the ballot is by a simple majority in the legislature. So the first step is preserving lawmakers who will (a) vote for a marriage equality bill and then (b) DEFEND it! That's going to be NOM's focus: Ousting pro-equality voices. We must be just as vocal in our defense!
*UPDATE: At the very least, NOM could use American video footage.