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Video: It's official: NOM's bombing North Star State equality

by Jeremy Hooper

Based on our monitoring of their increased activities in the state, we told you that the National Organization For Marriage is coming for Minnesota:

NOM's bombarding Minnesota -- have we learned enough to care? [G-A-Y]

Today, they bear us out with this new $200,000 ad campaign:

THE. TIME. TO. CARE. IS. NOW! We have been outpaced in more than a couple of states. Let's be ahead this time, whatdya say?



-Salvatore Cordileone, the man many credit as the "father of Prop 8," came to Minnesota to lay groundwork: Cord that's already shocked us now stretching to MN [G-A-Y]

-The nine unbelievably fallacious talking points that the Minnesota Family Council is using to dupe their neighbors: 9 reasons for teaching children not to lie [G-A-Y]

-A speaking engagement that the aforementioned Cordileone made alongside NOM's Maggie Gallagher: The rosary vs. the ring finger: St. Paul, Minnesota edition [G-A-Y]


**THE PATH FORWARD: There is no direct I/R procedure in Minnesota, so the only way to get a marriage amendment on the ballot is by a simple majority in the legislature. So the first step is preserving lawmakers who will (a) vote for a marriage equality bill and then (b) DEFEND it! That's going to be NOM's focus: Ousting pro-equality voices. We must be just as vocal in our defense!


*UPDATE: At the very least, NOM could use American video footage.

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