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Watchmen on the Walls: Snakes on a Plane's alternate title, Equality on an America's alternate reality

by Jeremy Hooper

What do a malnourished child...

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...a now-outdated picture of the Supreme Court Justices...

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...some sort of microscopic kind of substance thingie...

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...a flooded city...

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...a Muslim person peacefully praying...

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...and two jubilant gay dudes...

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...have in common? Well, if you're the Family Research Council: They are all things meant to be intercut with outer space graphics, evangelical quotes, and flying text blocks in order to convince pastors that they need to RISE UP AND FIGHT. Against something. Anything. Uhm. Now. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

Because you've been so good all winter: Here's the Watchmen on the Walls 2010 Promo (complete with bragging from those anti-equality evangelicals voices who've most recently robbed us of civil rights):

WOTW2010 Pastors Info Video from Derek Packard on Vimeo.

Humpty Dumpty also rested his hopes on a wall. Just sayin'.

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