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ADF: Antagonistically Denying Freedom
It's not the Americans who usurped the independent judiciary's ruling who are threatening our nation. No, no -- according to the Alliance Defense Fund's Brian Raum, it's the big, bad gays who want to protect their minority rights from majority tyranny who truly browbeat he very nature of freedom:
“In America, we should respect and uphold the right of a free people to make policy choices through the democratic process,” ... “More than 7 million Californians decided that marriage should be preserved, not fundamentally changed. If a handful of activists is allowed to void a constitutional amendment protecting marriage, we have gutted the core of the American democratic system and will deny more children the mom and the dad they deserve.”
“This case is as much about whether our government is of, by, and for the people as it is about marriage,”... “Just imagine how our country would change if every state constitutional amendment could be eliminated by small groups of wealthy activists. It would no longer be America, but a tyranny of elitists.”
-Brian Raum
Key word there: "Decided." That's what these folks don't get/ won't admit: That Americans don't get to just directly decide any and everything under the sun! If "we the people" had had this rights-limiting option throughout history, then a whole host of publicly opinion-lagging issues would have been kept at bay. But now, for some strange reason, a direct vote on vulnerable people's court-granted rights are as American as (processed) Apple Pie (that's cardboard served in a fast food sleeve)? What the heterosexist hell is that about?!
And then these kids have the nerve to talk about "wealthy elitists" altering the constitution? EAT. MY. RAW. RING. FINGER! The only reason we are having this current Prop 8 debate/trial is because a group of well-connected conservatives with the endless wells of cash that (Catholic ::ahem:: Mormon ::ahem::) churches provide took it upon themselves to say that they know better than the judges who've dedicated their lives to knowing and understanding the constitution and its protections. These folks forced us into a mega-millioned ballot fight at a time when the economy was collapsing all around us. And yet *we're* the monied tyranny here?!?! What an intellectually bankrupt claim!