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Culture war truce? Huck that!
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels (R) had the nerve --THE NERVE! -- to suggest that the next president should call a "truce on social issues," so that he or she can instead focus on actual world problems (i.e. economy, war, oil spills, securing Betty White's next anachronistically youthful gig). Essentially the GOP guv suggested that potential leaders should take on just an eensy bit of perspective, especially within the party for whom things like keeping gay people's ring fingers from getting tan lines have been points of obsessive interest, focus, constitutional misuse, and divisive societal distraction.
Well, cue the GOP personality who perhaps obsesses on and divides with the "culture war" the most: Mike Huckabee. The "children are not puppies" figurehead took to his Huck PAC blog yesterday, launching a fiery rebuke of Daniels' words:
Let me be clear though, the issue of life and traditional marriage are not bargaining chips nor are they political issues. They are moral issues. I didn’t get involved in politics just to lower taxes and cut spending though I believe in both and have done it as a Governor. But I want to stay true to the basic premises of our civilization.
For those of us who have labored long and hard in the fight to educate the Democrats, voters, the media and even some Republicans on the importance of strong families, traditional marriage and life to our society, this is absolutely heartbreaking. And that one of our Republican “leaders” would suggest this truce, even more so. Governor Daniels is a personal friend and a terrific Governor, and I’m very disappointed that he would think that pro-life and pro-family activists would just lie down.
Are you ready to stop fighting for traditional marriage? I cannot. I will not.
Can you let the tragedy of abortion go unchecked while we get our financial house in order? I cannot. I will not.
A strong leader doesn’t need to focus myopically on one or two issues – but a strong leader is willing to fight for and defend their principles while rising to meet new challenges and solve all of the existing systemic problems confronting us.
For me these issues are critical. Indeed they are founding principles of my personal conservatism and part of the ideological foundation of the Republican Party. If you agree, I am asking you to help me send a signal.
"To educate the Democrats"? Oh my gag: How condescending can you be?!?
"To stay true to the basis premises of our civilization"? Oh my galled: How can you just ignore the sects of the population that are just as much a part of civilization as anyone else?!?
"Part of the ideological foundation of the Republican party"? Oh my GOP: Abraham Lincoln's grave is gonna take flight, the late president's in there spinning so much!
**UPDATE: Another of this nation's biggest "culture war"-mongers throws his thoughts into the mix: FRC’s Tony Perkins Attacks Indiana Governor Daniels Over Call For Culture War Truce [Lez Get Real]