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Focus on the Family to America: Listen to Price or pay the $ame!

by Jeremy Hooper

god-vacuuming-moneyFocus on the Family's Caleb Price, a self-professed "ex-gay" man, is warning conservatives about turning their focus to economic issues at the expense of those that pertain to keeping the LGBT community unequal. Ya know, because if they do, then God will destroy Wall Street. Or something:

Price advised voters not to lose sight of these core social and moral issues while focusing on economic issues this November.

"To do so, would be at their peril," he said.

"God has made it clear in His Word that He will not bless a nation economically when its citizens have turned their backs on not only Him," said Price, "but also His design for creation and humans who bear His image as male and female."

The Intended Consequences of 'Pride' Month [Focus on the Family]

Yes, that's right: The policy that this FOtF spokesman is pushing says that if Americans stop working to keeps gays away from things like the military, marriage, and basic employment protections, then the man upstairs will put us into a collective foreclosure. And by man upstairs, we don't mean you money-hungry landlord: We mean the person who Caleb cites as creating and overseeing the world. It's God versus the gays. That's the warning that Caleb is seriously offering up: A game of Moral Monopoly where LGBT rights is worse than landing on Boardwalk after your opponent has built a hotel!

But then again, maybe Caleb's right. Because just last night, I joined my loving (and gay) husband for a romantic dinner, and this morning I noticed that our checking account has been lowered the exact amount of the bill. Dude, God -- Give it back!

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