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Huck my 'ick'

by Jeremy Hooper

The arrogance. The aggressive pushing of faith into civil life. The refusal to take responsibility for anything of the hurtful things he says. The willingness to partner up with anyone who can help his poll numbers, even those whose rhetoric has gone so far as to be designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

HukabeeThis person is the human embodiment of everything that keeps the anti-gay "culture war" raging:

Huckabee does not like to be thought of as a homophobe. “I’ve had people who worked for me who are homosexuals,” he insists. “And I don’t walk around thinking, Oh, I pity them so much. I accept them as who they are! It’s not like somehow their sin is so much worse than mine.”

In a recent interview, Katie Couric told him that the Arkansas state representative Kathy Webb, a lesbian from Little Rock, had said, “Huckabee doesn’t seem to have a whole lot of tolerance and good will for gay people.” Huckabee seemed surprised. “It’s not personal,” he replied. “I could argue that people who want to change marriage are angry at me for wanting to keep it like it is!”

But Huckabee doesn’t just want to leave things the way they are; he wants to change the Constitution to specifically prohibit gay people from getting married. He has called homosexuality “sinful and unnatural” and is fond of amusing audiences with the witticism “It’s Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.”

One afternoon in Jerusalem, while Huckabee was eating a chocolate croissant in the lounge of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, I asked him to explain his rationale for opposing gay rights. “I do believe that God created male and female and intended for marriage to be the relationship of the two opposite sexes,” he said. “Male and female are biologically compatible to have a relationship. We can get into the ick factor, but the fact is two men in a relationship, two women in a relationship, biologically, that doesn’t work the same.”

Read more: Prodigal Son [New Yorker]
(H/t: Towle)

Weird, because just yesterday my husband and I biologically "worked it the same" just fine. Twice.

In the article, Huckabee goes on to question why he should care about the true past of "traditional marriage" (polygamy, anti-miscegenation, etc.). The same way high school kids of 2060 will let out a resounding "What the Huck?!?" when they get to the religious right section of civil rights history.

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