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Janet Folger-Porter: Here to find us all

by Jeremy Hooper
6A00D8341C503453Ef013480Eeede9970C-1"We now have two generations who are lost in the lies of humanism, evolution and homosexuality, facilitated into fornication and abortion, trapped in pornography and devastated by divorce. Congratulations.

If you're still having a hard time discerning what to do, here's a helpful hint: if you find yourself on the same side as the ACLU, homosexual activists, the baby killers and the enemies of God, chances are, you're on the wrong side.

And if you find yourself on the side of people who use words like "baby killers" and who put that concept in the same boat with the notion of defending constitutional freedom in civil society, chances are, you're too extreme even for conservative Christian radio.

If standing in opposition to this rhetoric is wrong, then I don't want to be far-right.

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