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'Literally hundreds', rhetorically speaking

by Jeremy Hooper
"What we have, since the adoption of Proposition 8, is a very transparent nationwide strategy by the gay activists to harass and intimidate, as a means to win their political agenda. There were literally hundreds of people who were subject to death threats, destruction of their property, theft, threat to their families or even fired from their jobs."

-James Bopp Jr. of the James Madison Center (special counsel to Protect Marriage Washington, Focus on the Family, and many others)

An absolute lie! There hasn't been "literally hundreds" of any kind of retributive threat, much less death. Not according to any body of actual law enforcement, or even credible news reporting. The truth is that any real extremism has been fringe, rare, and denounced by by both sides!

And this despite the fact that literally millions (no exaggeration) have turned out at the countless rallies, meetings, marches, and protest demonstrations that have been held since November 2008. Literally millions! And yet with passions so high, emotions so raw, and civil rights VERIFIABLY and UNFAIRLY stripped away, the peace has prevailed 99.9999999% of the time with 99.9999999% of the people!

But you keep on working this "gay activists are threatening to kill people" meme, Mr. Bopp. Clearly we missed the page stipulating that bearing false witness is okay if that witness is borne against gay people, but we do trust that you somehow obtained an amended copy.

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